KIPPO 日本生まれ、チリ・ロシア育ち。ミレニアル世代にしか書けないブログ

Girl Gone International!  Born in Japan. Raised in Chile and Russia, millenial girl's daily blog

Know youself Be everything

Hi! How is your GW holiday so far?! I've told to come to office on GW so my Golden Weeks is not as shiny as yours :) Anyways! I believe NORMAL is boring But at the same time NORMAL is beautiful These selfie apps is a everyday tool to take …


クレムリン ロシア、モスクワと言えばやはりこの写真を思い浮かべる方がおおいでしょう。 まるでおとぎ話にでてきそうな、カラフルなこの建造物は、“クレムリン“と呼ばれていますが実際“クレムリン“は英語です。 ロシア語では“クレムリ“(城塞)と呼びます。…


ロシアでのおもひでを少しシェアしたいと思います。 ちなみに上の写真は、日本でもお馴染みの“バーガーキング“です。 キリル文字になると一切、バーガーキング感ないですけどね。 ロシア•モスクワ ファーストフード店 これは、“マクドナルド“です。 2007年に…

LAUGH harder SCREAM louder

おはようございます。 4がつ残すところ数日になりました。 今年が始まって4ヵ月。 今月はあまり頻繁に更新できずに、個人的にもうずうずしておりました。 人生悩みは尽きない 人生我慢は必要 でも 無駄な我慢はするな チリに住んでいたとき(小学生)この言…


気づいたら4月も後半に入りました! 久しぶりに帰国子女あるあるをまたお話ししたいと思います。 帰国子女もいた国や年数によって全然違うので、当てはまらないこともありますが。全体的にこんなことがよくあるあるっていう事を書きます。 まず、夏になると…


Me realizing once again It is important not to compare yourself with somebody else. 日本の社会にいると、自然と“他人“と“自分“という言葉に日々惑わされます。 なぜ? 海外にいると、他人という存在は対して大きくなく、一番大きいにが自分なのですが…


OKAY so what does "Boss " really mean??? BOSS An individual that is usually the immediate supervisor of some number of employees and has certain capacities and responsibilities to make decisions. The term itself is not a formal title, and …


This word always comes up while I'm working. "WHAT AM I DOING HERE? " Yes, indeed I never had any positive will for my company from the beginning. Nor, never thought a company could give you a good treat for your life. But I wonder what ot…


We are in 21st centry. We are all connected. We have smart phones. We all have the chance to see the world through this small device. Especially, our generation are called as "Wired Generation " We are connected with our friends and strang…


DON'T BE JELLY! 日本企業の仕事に対してのマインドセットがまったく理解できない。 飲み会でお偉いさんの機嫌をとり、大きなプロジェクトをもらったり ずっっーっと、机に縛りつけて“これが社会人の厳しさだ!“みたいな意味不明な文化を叩きこんだり。。。 …

No Avocado No Life

Look, baby boomers. You can have a go at our taste in music, our penchant for dating apps and our addiction to the butterfly filter on Snapchat but don't start on our love for avocados on toast, alright? Let us eat in peace. (ELLE, Millenn…


WE GOOGLE TOMORROW There is a saying that "You never know what's going to happen tomorrow " It's a beautiful way to describe the word "Tomorrow " in a mysterious and poetic way. But actually, compare to the elderlies we pretty much know wh…


IT'S OUR TIME! Thank you for your patience! I'm back !! I was and I'm still in France. I went there for a business trip to MIPTV The world biggest content market at Cannes. It was my first time actually visiting "Cannes " Such a beautiful …

Bridget Jones Mood

BRIDGET JONES MOOD How was your day? Sometimes it makes me feel like I'm in one of the movies I've seen before. Today I felt if I was in this movie. I love her figure I love her character I love her smile For those who have never EVER seen…


WE ARE THE MILLENIALS who are we? We are the "MILLENIALS!!! " Yes Yes The elderlies at work place are having a headache towards this mysterious creatures. IT OKAY We are never a shamed of ourselves Because we live how we think is the best …


MY LIFE sounds so heavy But What I want to express here today is LIFE is beautiful and LIFE is unfair from the beginning. WHAT MATTERS IS "HOW " YOU! would bring ur life to the top of the world. And depending on that process your life will…


TOMORROW Yes I love musical and indeed I love the musical ANNIE! I've first gone to a musical theatre when I was 3 or 4 years old. At that time I was too small that I couldn't understand the deep meaning of life. But when I first saw a gir…

Get Away Day

GET AWAY DAY sometimes when you live in a crowded city paked with people and rushing, you need a get away day from the skyscraper town. Human needs nature Let's put away the clock and just enjoy the day! So I went to Zushi • Kamakura area …


LIFE WORK BALANCE I feel like it's a life long mission Before you graduate from university you feel like entering into a company is like entering into jail. At least that's how I felt... And actually it is indeed like a jail. なぜだか、“同…


IDENTITY CRISIS It might be a popular topic for those who have lived in diffrent countries. I have had this feeling when I came back to Japan = "Home country" よく耳にするのが、 「帰国子女っていいよねー英語話せて」 とか 「海外に住めるって…


今の時代、世界を切り開く 「ミレニアル女子」 そもそも、ミレニアルとはなにを意味するのか? ミレニアル世代とは? ミレニアル世代とは、2000年代になってから成人になった人たちのこと。だいたい現在20歳から35歳くらいまでの人たちのことを言います。こ…

Why Sorry?!

日本の「すいません文化」 あれはなんなんでしょうか。 道に人がいて邪魔されんのな時、どいてほしい時 “すみません~“ お店の人がいなくて、呼ぶとき“すいませーん“ このくらいまーだは、理解できる範囲。 でも毎回驚くのが、お互いなにも悪いことしてない…

Me Myself and I

When you luckily have 4 different languages in your brain it's sounds pretty cool but at the same time it's pretty tiresome and confusing. I have... JAPANESE ENGLISH SPANISH RUSSIAN In my brain. そんなことを考えていたら、興味深い記事を発見…

Life back in Cambridge

Life back in Cambridge. I've never lived in English speaking country, so this short transfer to Cambridge was a very cool experience. Calm quiet morning. Town wakes up early and sleeps early too. I remember rushing into the "Sainsbury's" s…


帰国子女ってよくひとくくりにされるけど、 実際もっと複雑なのになーって毎回思う。 地球上にはアメリカ以外にも国めっちゃあるのに、だいたい“帰国子女“っていうと。 “へーそうなんだ!じゃあ英語ペラペラなんだね!“とかとかw 世界中が逆に英語だけだった…

Good Girls Revolt

RECENT favorite Amazon Prime Original Drama :) "GOOD GIRLS REVOLT " In 1969, while a cultural revolution swept through the free world, there was still one place that refused to change with the times: newsrooms. Good Girls Revolt follows a …


Yesterday just reminded me of my life back in Russia. 真冬はー30度、真夏は+30度 ー25度以下になると学校は休校になる。 住みなれるとー10度が暖かく感じ始め、春が来たな~なんて思う。 今から思っても、結構究極なところに住んでたな~と思う。 私が住…

You Are Beautiful!

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY!!!!!!! #russia#nationalholiday When I used to live in Russia, there we're so many flower shops on the street. ESPECIALLY, today women deserve a beautiful flowers from their loved ones! This event reminded me…

Slowest in the World

Japan have great technology fast bullet trains, transportation arriving on time, almost no stealing, safest place to live on earth... We'll it's all WRONG !!!! Indeed, we do have great knowledge in certain fields and are praised for our ow…

Girl Gone International

Millennial Generation in Japan is usually called as "Yutori " or "Satori " generations. though they are young and powerful, it seems like the society is not really focusing on them and their future. On the other hand, Millennial Generation…