KIPPO 日本生まれ、チリ・ロシア育ち。ミレニアル世代にしか書けないブログ

Girl Gone International!  Born in Japan. Raised in Chile and Russia, millenial girl's daily blog

Entries from 2017-07-01 to 1 month


安定は幸せなのか?! いつも思うこと。 “人生いろんな生き方を一度に体験して、より自分に合っている生き方をみつけだして選択できればいいのに。。。“ でもそんなことは不可能だから、毎回なにかしらの決断をして、なにかしらの行動を自分で起こさないとい…

Learn from Travelers

Learn from Travelers 最近偶然にも日本に旅行にくる友達と再会する機会が多くて、自然と自分も東京で旅行客気分を味わってました。 旅人といてなにが楽しいかというと、ごく当たり前の風景た体験を新鮮に感じられるからです。 彼らはトラベルブックどころか…

Happiness Pisses People?!

Hi Again!!! So after I officially left my work place, I have been spending the most happiest moment of my life everyday. Just to make sure, I am not in any weird cults or other dreaming activity. LIVING THE WAY I WANT TO LIVE I am just liv…

Independant Woman

Independent Woman Was the phrase I've always had in my mind. Have experienced racial discrimination. Have had identoty crisis. But always had this two words in my mind that moved me to the right direction. Well at least till today I believ…


EXPERIENCE > CHANCE?! This is the phrase I feel through everyday work place in Japan. Well especially at old Japanese Companies. We have to respect elderly people at work because they have been living longer than us and have more knowledge…